Семь чудес света


Ганкаджима Детройт Кадучан Китеж Нефтегорск Припять Централия Пор-Бажын Вароша Надеждинск Мачу Пикчу Ангкор Мемфис Пальмира Помпеи Паленке Виджаянагар Эфес Санчи Город Петра Троя Аль-Атлантида Таинственный остров Порт-Рояль Атлантида Азиатская Пальмира Эльдорадо Город Святого Грааля Сан-Сити Город Волжский Города Амазонии Город Санта Марты Город на дне океана Белозерск Хотмыжск Пустозерск Оклан города Залесья Сан Жи Фамагуста Коулун Орадур-сюр-Глан Колманскоп Уиттенум Хамберстоун

The Lost City were real, prosperous, densely populated human habitats, but then gradually declined, but their location was lost. Most of the lost city has been identified and thoroughly investigated by scientists.

There are photos of homes, where all things are intact, even after so many years, too unusual to see. But I was more touched loop above the ceiling, where they hanged criminals, in some city, the name unfortunately I can not remember. Dead City - this is not a term from the debate science fiction writers and other futurists. This directly concerns the present day ... The city, which has everything: houses, shops, cars, trees, bus stops, but there is not a living soul. Does he have a future?


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