Семь чудес света

Семь чудес света

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Великая Китайская стена Город Мачу-Пикчу в Перу Город Петра в Иордании Город Чичен-Итца Колизей в Риме, Италия Мавзолей Тадж-Махал Статуя Иисуса Христа
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Александрийский маяк Висячие сады Семирамиды Галикарнасский мавзолей Египетские пирамиды Колосс Родосский Статуя Зевса Олимпийского Храм Артемиды Эфесской
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У Мадагаскарского колдуна Вещие сны Дьявольский эксперимент Как строили пирамиды Кто строил пирамиды О чем молчит Сфинкс Тайны большого Сфинкса Чудеса нашего времени Чудеса будущего

Seven wonders of the world

The secrets of seven wonders of the world disturb humanity not of one thousand years. Each “miracle” in its own way interestingly and has some secret, about which knew only the builders. Here are they, great seven old miracles of the light: Alexandrine lighthouse, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Egyptian pyramids, Colossus of Rhodes, Statue of Olympian Zeus, the Temple of Artemis. Seven new miracles of light are inferior to them neither by its beauty nor mysteriousness: The Great wall of China, The city of Machu Picchu, Peter city into Jordan, City of Chichen-Ittsa, coliseum in Rome, mausoleum Tadzhik- waved in India, the Statue of Jesus Christ.

Well and now a little the history:

The Great wall of China

The history of Chinese wall began from the epoch of the administration of the first emperor of China. [Tsin] Of [shikhuandi] gave order to construct the Great wall of China after court predictor it said about the fact that “they will ruin [Tsin] of [khustsy], that on the north”. In order to fence the empire Of [tsin] from “northern savages”, emperor commanded announce defensive strengthenings unprecedented on their scale. it is in more detail…

Egyptian pyramids

Pyramids - majestic tombs pharaoh's - as if grow from the sands of desert. Earliest of them, pyramid of pharaoh [Dzhoser] - first in the world rock construction of such enormous sizes (her height of 60 meters). But here is the pyramids of Cheops, which stood already almost five thousand years, it rose into the height to 147 meters. The blocks of this great pyramid so thoroughly were ground and matched one to another, that into the slot between them it is not possible to push through the blade of knife. it is in more detail…

Tadzhik- waved

Its stately and perfect appearance is reflected in the aqueous smoothness of ponds. Marble facades sparkle by silver under the moon, they shine by pink light at the dawn and are poured by the fiery reflections of the setting sun. This fairytale on the beauty mausoleum was constructed during Shah [Dzhakhane]'s lifetime into the memory of him hot to the dear wife. it is in more detail…

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

In the bright time of its existence Babylon city was the surrounded by high walls quadrangle with 100 winches, through which over the diagonal flows [r].[Evfrat]. Babylon by its beauty and by wealth threw down into the consternation of all, with whom it was brought there to be. In the city was found one of seven miracles of light - suspended gardens Of [semiramidy]. These gardens it ordered to build [Navukhodonosor] itself for mussel most favorite of its wives Of [amitis], undertaken from the mountainous country in order in the flat plains of Babylon to create at least the similarity of native it wooded mountains. it is in more detail…


Official name of this gigantic construction - Flaviuses's amphitheatre, in the honor of Titus Flavius - the son of emperor [Vespasian]. The begun in 72 with A.D. and extended on many years building of coliseum passed with three emperors from Flaviuses's kind: To [vespasiane], Titus and Domitianus. Thus far on the spot of building was located artificial lake. Next to the lake were raised gold palace, luxurious residence Of [nerona], sadly well-known tyrant. it is in more detail…

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

[Zodchii] planned tsar [Mavsol]'s tomb as the rectangular building with a width of about 66, with length about 77 and with the height of 46 meters. The mausoleum (so more lately they began to call similar construction on im tsar [Mavsol]) it was decided to place in the center Of [galikarnasa], on one of the widest streets of city, which was being risen above the market area. it is in more detail…

Alexandrine lighthouse

Not far from the city, on [Fariy] island, was built the largest in the world lighthouse - three-storied tower with height about 180 meters. The third floor was the lamp of circular shape, it married the bronze statue of the god of the seas of the Poseidon with the height of 7 meters. In the lamp burnt the fire of the lighthouse, whose light was strengthened by the system of metallic mirrors.

The creator of this miracle was [Sostrat] [Knidskiy]. Lighthouse stood until XIV of century. By that time badly destroyed, it nevertheless caused admiration. The remainders of high pedestal were preserved to the present, but they were not accessible to archaeologists and architects, since they were build it the powerful medieval fortress. it is in more detail…

Colossus of Rhodes

Colossus of Rhodes - junior contemporary of mausoleum and temple Of [artemidy]. The idea to create it was born by the spring of 304 years to our era, when the inhabitants of the small island, which lies on the very shore of Asia Minor, costing on the worried to death by long siege walls, looked, as are hidden in the sea ships of one of the heirs of the power of Alexander [Makedonskiy] - the son of the ruler of front Asia and Syria [Demetriya] Of [poliorketa]. it is in more detail…


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