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Statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

As the main sights of Rio de Janeiro is considered the statue of rescuer (Cristo Of redentor). It costs at the apex of hill [Korkovadu] at a height 704 m above sea level. The height of statue itself - is 30 m, without considering seven-meter pedestal, but its weight of 1140 tons.

Statue of Jesus Christ

The idea of the construction of the Statue of Jesus Christ was conceived in 1922 ; when the century of the independence of Brazil was celebrated. Known weekly declared then project competition to the best monument - the symbol of nation. Conqueror, Ek- torus yes of Costa's [Silva], advanced the idea of the statue of Christ, which stretched out hands, embracing entire city. This gesture expresses compassion and simultaneously joyful pride. The idea yes Of [silvy] was accepted by community with the enthusiasm still and because it crossed the previous plan of erection on the mountain of Pan-- di -[Asukar] (Pan de Of asugar) immense monument to Christopher Columbus. The church here was connected to the matter, organizing in the entire country the collection of donations in order to finance realizing of project. As a result in nine years statue already stood at its place.

Statue was constructed and was manufactured in Paris.
Before beginning works the architects, engineers and sculptors were encountered in Paris in order to discuss all technical problems of the installation of statue at the apex of the hill, where it was opened to all winds and was subjected to other meteorological influences. Then French sculptor Paul [Landovskiy] began to simulate head and hands, while engineers they studied the development of body. The scales of the task standing before them are clearly demonstrated by the following statistical parameters: the head of statue weighs 35,6 tons, hand - on 9,1 tons each, and the spread of hands is 23 m.

Then statue was delivered from Paris to Rio de Janeiro and established on the hill To [korkovadu]. On October 12, 1931. took place its first solemn discovery and [osvyashchenie], to this day was installed the lighting plant. In 1965. dad Pavel VI repeated the ceremony of [osvyashcheniya], on this case was renovated the lighting plant. One additional large celebration was passed here to the presence of dad John Paul II on October 12, 1981 ; when the fiftieth anniversary of statue, was noted.

Built in 1885. the line of streetcar conducts now almost on the apex of the hill: final stoppage is found in all in forty meters under the statue. From it is necessary to rise on 220 steps of stairs to the pedestal, on which is located the observation platform. In 2003. was opened the escalator, on which it is possible to arrive at the foot of famous statue. Are hence well visible the lengthened on the right hand beaches of Copacabana and [Ipanema], and to the left gigantic cup “Of [marakany]”, the largest in the world stadium, and International Airport. The unique silhouette of the mountain of Pan-- di, is raised from the side of sea.


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