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Ancient construction

Nothing causes as much admiration, to as it is possible obtain at the sight the ancient construction, mysterious and mysterious. The secret of building of which, until now, is completely not open. Millennial history only preheats interest in them.

Stonehenge is one of such construction. It is so old that already its true history was forgotten in the epoch of antiquity. On the legend Stonehenge was elevated by wonderful means from the sacred stones, delivered from Ireland. And made this the magician Of [merlin] by assignment of the legendary king Arthur, that desired to worthily note the place of the burial of British soldiers. it is in more detail…

Island of Easter ([Rapanui]) - volcanic island in the eastern part of Pacific Ocean. They indicate that the island of Easter one of the most secluded corners of peace. This tiny islet of volcanic origin by the size not more than 24 kilometers, forgotten in the Pacific Ocean expanses for thousands of miles from the nearest human civilization. It is found 3600 km west of the Chilean city of Valparaiso. Everything, which is connected with the island, is wrapped by secret. From where profits are its first inhabitants? How they did generally reveal this islet? How why did sculpture more than 600 gigantic rock statues? it is in more detail…

The famous falling tower - is the belfry of cathedral in [Pize] city, the part of rare on its beauty architectural ensemble, which consists, besides the belfry and the cathedral, even from the chapel for the baptism (baptistry) and the cemetery. If “falling” tower did not heel, but it stood strictly vertically as all the remaining towers in the light, its glory would limit, probably, only by the small circle of architects and historians. Because of its design flaw it is known in the entire world. it is in more detail…

IN THE XV -XVi centuries, when [Fessaliya] it was seized by Turks, in these places arose more than thirty new monastic communities. However, in XVII-XVIII centuries began the slow, but steady decline of monasticism, and the majority of communities be made burning hot. Finally, in the 19th Century to the monastery meteors began to focus attention the first being curious travellers, and since then they attract increasingly more visitors. it is in more detail…

Several million years ago, even in the tertiary period, in Anatoliy occurred the volcanic eruption Of [erdzhiesh]-[Dagy] - highest mountain of Asia Minor. The flows of the lava, mixed with the ashes, gushed out into the valley To [gereme] and they covered territory into several thousand square kilometers with thick layer. Then winds took away in the long centuries, rains washed off light species, and the thickening lava and the pressed ashes gradually became tuff - soft in the working and simultaneously durable building material. Thus appeared the high cone-shaped cliffs Of [kappadokii] (locality on the average Anatoliy) - the entire forest of many-colored rock posts, spires, fungi and towers, that is pulled to tens of kilometers. it is in more detail…


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