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Сочи 2014

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General information

The Olympic Games

The earliest and most popular in ancient Greece festivals and contests were arranged in the honor of the god of Zeus, according to tradition, from 776 to our era in the Olympiuses once a four years. To the period of the Olympic Games declared required for all Greeks “sacred peace”, at this time in Greece it was not conducted military actions and roads in to Olympius were safe.

Women were not allowed to the place of the Olympic Games. The winners of competitions - [olimpioniki] were rewarded by garland from the branches of olive and used in Greece honor and respect, sometimes even they idolized themselves.

Principles, rules and positions of the Olympic Games are determined by the Olympic charter, whose bases are affirmed by international sport congress in Paris into 1894. The place of conducting the Olympic Games selects the International Olympic Committee (MOK), right their organization it is allowed to city, but not to the country. The duration of the Olympic Games is not more than 15 days (winter games - not more than 10).

Winter Olympic Games

The program of the winter Olympic Games includes competitions in [biatlonu]. Bobsleigh: bobsleigh, sled. Skating sport: skating sport, figure skating, Shortt- track. [Kerling]. Ski sport: mountain-skiing sport, ski [dvoebore], ski races, leaps on skis from the springboard, [snoubording], freestyle. Sleigh sport. Hockey with the washer.

The origin of the winter Olympic Games - c by creation into 1894 International Olympic Committees among other forms of sport in future Olympic program was proposed to include rolling on the horses. Nevertheless, on the first three Olympic Games of no “ice” disciplines it was. They for the first time appeared on the games -1908 in London: figure skaters competed in 4 forms of program.

Summer Olympic Games

The summer Olympic Games - the largest international competitions in summer and all-season I see sport, that are conducted once a 4 years under the aegis of the International Olympic Committee. Games began to be carried out since 1896. The revival of Olympic motion in the present is connected with the name of baron Pierre de [Kuberten].

History of the Olympiad

The Olympic Games from the origin to the decline. There are numerous legends about the origin of the Olympic Games. They all are connected with the Ancient Greek gods and the heroes. Program of the antique Olympic Games. The first time in the program of the Olympic Games it was only [stadiodrom] - run to one stages (192,27 m), then the number of Olympic disciplines grew.

Greek gods and mythological heroes are participating to the appearance not only Olympic Games as a whole, but also their separate disciplines. For example, it was considered that the run to one stages introduced [Gerakl] itself, which personally measured this distance in the Olympiuses. The initially Olympic Games occupied one day, with the expansion of program - five days, precisely, so many continued the Olympic Games in the period of their bloom in 6-4 centuries to our era.

Olympiad in Sochi 2014

By c[tolitsey] XXII of winter Olympic and XI Of the [paralimpiyskikh] winter games of 2014 is selected Sochi city. Period of conducting XXII of the winter Olympic Games in Sochi from February 7 to 23, 2014. Application committee “Sochi -2014” conquered on 119- y of session MOK in Guatemala with the active participation of athletes and politicians RF. In Russia the second time are conducted the Olympic Games: Olympiad 80 in Moscow and the winter Olympic Games in Sochi 2014. For conducting of the Olympiad 2014 V of Sochi will be isolated about 12 billion US dollars. Basic means it is planned to spend on the infrastructure of Sochi city: the development of the energy complex of region, ecology, hotels and the hotels of Sochi.

Important role it is removed to the building of Olympic units for conducting winter the Olympic Games of Sochi 2014. The project of the building of the light metro from Sochi to the red clearing is developed.


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