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Summer Olympic Games

Forms of sport, represented on the summer Olympic Games:

Academic rowing, badminton, basketball, baseball, boxing, cycling- highway, conduct- track, aqueous is sex, aqueous slalom, volleyball, free fight, handball, rowing on the kayaks and [kanoe], Greco- Roman fight, [dzyudo], horse sport, the track and field sports, [mauntinbayk], table tennis, sail sport, floating, beach volleyball, leaps into the water, the leaps on the trampoline, bullet shooting, synchronous floating, contemporary pentathlon, [softbol], sport gymnastics, bench shooting, shooting from bow, tennis, [triatlon], [taekvan]- to, heavy athletics, fencing, football, hockey on the grass, artistic gymnastics.

Years and the place of the conducting

Games Year of the conducting City Country
The I 1896 Athens Greece
THE II 1900 Paris France
THE III 1904 Saint- Louis, the state of Missouri USA
extraordinary 1906 Athens Greece
IV 1908 London Great Britain
The V 1912 Stockholm Sweden
VI were not conducted 1916 Berlin Germany
VII 1920 Antwerp Belgium
ViII 1924 Paris France
IX 1928 Amsterdam Holland
The X 1932 Los Angeles USA
XI 1936 Berlin Germany
THE XII were not conducted 1940 Helsinki Finland
XIII were not conducted 1944 London Great Britain
XIV 1948 London Great Britain
THE XV 1952 Helsinki Finland
XVI 1956 Melbourne Australia
XVII 1960 Rome Italy
XVIII 1964 Tokyo Japan
THE XIX 1968 Mexico City Mexico
THE XX 1972 Munich FRG
THE XXI 1976 Montreal Canada
XXII 1980 Moscow USSR
XXIII 1984 Los Angeles USA
XXIV 1988 Seoul South Korea
XXV 1992 Barcelona Spain
XXVI 1996 Atlanta, the state of Georgia USA
XXVII 2000 Sydney Australia
XXVIII 2004 Athens Greece
XXIX 2008 Peking China
XXX 2012 London Great Britain


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