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Сочи 2014

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Olympiad in Sochi (Sochi 2014)

XXII the winter Olympic Games will pass to Sochi from February 7 to 23, 2014.

Within the framework the preparation of Sochi for the Olympic Games of 2014 will be built two Olympic villages, the main thing from which will be arranged on the coast of Black sea, additional - in the mountains. The strictest international standards in the field of ecology will be considered with the building. The Olympic park of Sochi will be located on the coast of Black sea in [Imeretinskoy] lowland. None of the sport construction is still built. All design works on the Olympic objects it is planned to complete at the beginning September 2007 in order already at the end year to begin their building. Building is intended to complete in 2013. In it they will pass the ceremonies of opening and closing games, all competitions on the horses, and also ceremonies of the rewarding of conquerors. In the Olympic park they will be located: stadium, two ice arenas for the hockey, skating center, the ice palace of sport, arena for [kerlinga], two training arenas, area for the rewarding of conquerors, the open roller, Olympic village, [media]- center, the hotel of members MOK, economic buildings and large screens for the survey of sport contests.

11 new sport objects will be grouped into two compact complexes. The average distance between the coastal sport construction and the Olympic village will be 6 km, between the mountain sport construction and the additional Olympic village - 4 km the complexes will be located at a distance by 48 km from each other. The Olympic stadium of Sochi city will be built to XXII to the winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 and it is located in the Olympic park. On the stadium will be carried out the ceremonies of opening and closing XXII the winter Olympic Games. Prototype of the extrinsic ethos of stadium - famous masterpiece of jewelry skill Easter egg To [faberzhe]. In the composition of stadium it is intended to construct three covered tribunes. Contemporary construction and hotels will make it possible to place Olympic family and spectators at the Sochi Olympiad under maximally comfortable conditions. They will make possible to reduce action on the environment to a minimum and to ensure the high level of safety for the irreproachable conducting of Olympiad.

In Sochi will be created contemporary health resort for the sport, recreational and business tourism, which will be able to assume guests the year round. Has already been conducted the building of the first mountain-skiing Russian health resort, which corresponds to International standards, with the developed infrastructure and the possibilities for the occupation by the winter forms of sport.

According to the federal special-purpose program ([FTSP]) is assumed the creation of Olympic infrastructure. Accomplish construction there will be [goskorporatsiya] Of [olimpstroy] planned to the creation. In the seaport of Sochi will be created the extension terminal, which will make it possible to assume cruise vessels the capacity of 3 thousand people, terminal will be arranged in 1,5 km from the coast. The cargo region of port it is planned to move from the city center. Also is planned the building of hotel “island federation”.

The economy of Sochi demonstrates steady increase. The development of tourist direction and infrastructure contributes to an inflow of financial means into the region and to an increase in the level of private investments.


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