In spite of the strong influence of Chinese civilization, the Japanese knew how to create their own original culture. Subsequently they consciously fenced off from the external world and were in the complete isolation up to the end of the 19th Century.
The natives of the mountainous islands, which girded by long chain the Pacific coast of Asia, the Japanese many centuries lived, practically without entering into the contact with the remaining peace. So it was, in spite of reverential respect the Japanese of its emperors, who were considered as the straight descendants of the goddess of the sun To [amaterasu]. Administration first emperor [Dzimmu] carries by 660. B.C. in reality emperor clan left to the proscenium of history much later, and Japan was selected from the Stone Age only in the first century B.C.
Influence of China
Attempting to conquer Korea in IV-VII of substances A.D., Japan opened for itself and much took in the highly developed civilization of China. Specifically, from there through Korea to the islands arrived Buddhism, which, after merging with the local Shintoist cult, became ruling the religion of the Japanese, and confucianism, and together with it the Chinese ideas of the centralized state. However, written language became the most important acquisition. After adopting Chinese hieroglyphic letter, the Japanese adapted it to the native language, and even longer centuries the sign of education was considered possession and, moreover, the composition of verses in the Chinese Language, whose prestige can be compared with status of Latin in the history of Western Europe.
Chinese influence reached its peak in VII- VIII of the substances, when in Japan a decisive attempt at the creation of the centralized state for Chinese model was undertaken - it put on with the strong official apparatus for the collection of taxes from each land. However, the shattering of Japanese society soon gained the top. Specific magnates little by little appropriated to themselves different privileges - from the release from the taxes to the control over officials in their possessions. This process little by little was pulled several centuries, and finally in the period Of [kheyan] (794-1185) real authority slipped from the hands of emperor court in Kyoto and it was divided between the heads of feudal clans, which had our own devoted servants and strong army. And, as the acknowledgement of new state of affairs, since 838 all official connections with China were ended.
In the epoch Of [kheyan] the emperors were deprived of the last privileges of central authority, which took the leaders of the powerful clan Of [fudzivara]. In 866. the prevailing situation was promulgated, and then-occuring the head of the kind Of [fudzivara] Of [esifusa] accepted the title of regent, which rules on behalf emperor, although that already left the childhood.
The kind Of [fudzivara] tenacious held in the hands emperor surname, regularly issuing his daughters marry for her representatives and worrying that each emperor- dolt would be the grandson of the head of the clan Of [fudzivara]. When emperor grew up, him they forced to renounce from the throne in favor of another child from the emperor kind.
With the special force this tendency appeared in the epoch Of [kamakura] (1185-1333), when emperor court as before was located in Kyoto, but entire real authority was concentrated in the hamlet Of [kamakura] - to rate of the arrived at the authority kind [Minamoto]. After a number of the victories, gained by kind [Minamoto] in the bloody internal wars, its head [Eritomo] it was proclaimed [segunom] and, in the essence, he became war-lord, who guided from his rate through the wide network of family and feudal connections.
[Segunat] became the acknowledged state institute despite the fact that after death [Eritomo] its nearest relatives was smashed, and authority took the feudal lords from the kind Of [khodze], who although did not become [segunami], were guided as regents instead of several weak [segunov] from the kind Of [fudzivara] or emperors.
Feudal society
In the epoch Of [kamakura] Japanese society finally acquired the form of military-feudal state, and this period includes the origin of a number of the steadiest traditions. Is especially remarkable the cult of the soldier- Samurai, whom they judged not only by the craftsmanship of the possession of sword, but also by the devotion to their ruler, the readiness for the self-sacrifice and the skill to stably transfer pain. The Japanese swords, by production of which was occupied the caste of skillful craftsmen were so [sovershenny] that even they became the object of mystical cult.
Feudal connections of ancient Japan
Being at the apex of might, clans [Minamoto] and [Khodze] knew how to acquire [shi] by [rokoy] communication network, which guaranteed the [bezuslovnuyu] devotion of vassals (small feudal lords, who brought oath to the faithfulness instead of to their protection) and series Samurai. But in the period Of [asikaga] (1336-1568) marked by the revelry of feudal anarchy, the predominant role they began to play personal and local feudal connections. [Seguny] from the kind Of [asikaga] never were guided by the entire country, but sometimes their authority was completely nominal. Wholes half a century side by side there were two competing emperor dynasties, giving to ambitious feudal lords the possibility to pass from camp to camp in the favor of personal interests. One after others flared up major and small internal conflicts, and, constantly needing means to the waging of war, about ten of most important military feudal lords, or [dayme], similar to small princelings, introduced in its possessions a strict administrative ensemble of the collection of taxes. Was even liquidated the privilege of Samurai participate in the war - [dayme] began to collect infantry from the peasants, assigning horse Samurai as officers.
Godly wind
From the century into the century the external world little disturbed Japan, although some contacts with China were nevertheless renewed. However, in the period Of [kamakura] above the country is for the first time overhanging threat from the side of the Mongolian conquerors subjugated China, who undertook two intrusions to the islands - into 1274 and 1281 yr.
Especially dangerous was the second attempt since for the sending the troops Mongolians they equipped enormous fleet, and Japan for sure fall under the impacts of enemies, if entire fleet was not destroyed by storm - “godly wind”, or by kamikaze. This major event only strengthened the faith of the Japanese in its [bogoizbrannost].
Invasion of the strangers
The strange invasion of another kind began in 1543 ; when the first Europeans landed on the Japanese shores. These were Portuguese seamen, delivered to the islands by Chinese ships. On their feet followed other newcomers - in their number Jesuit missionary SV Francois To [ksave] - and merchants, in the course of time converted Nagasaki from the fishing hamlet into the lively port.
After several decades Christianity attained on the islands of the perceptible successes, and imported European muskets unrecognizably changed the tactics of military actions.
Meanwhile during the period with 1568 until 1600. the number of energetic rulers they knew how to a certain degree revive national unity and institute of [segunata]. Great general Ode [Nobunaga] (1534-82) was engaged Kyoto still in 1568 ; but entire remainder of life conducted in the interminable battles with the feudal lord- rivals and the rebellious forces of some [buddistskikh] sects after the murder Of [nobunagi] its associate By [toetomi] Of [khideesi] (1536-98) where by the Armed Forces, where by the diplomatic tricks he led to the subordination all clans. Apparently, desiring to direct energy of feudal lords and Samurai further from the relatives it is boundary, [Khideesi] it ventured in 1592. march in Korea, which in those times was found under the protectorate of China. But if on dry land Koreans and Chinese could not overcome Japanese conquerors, then at sea matter was otherwise. The ships of special construction invented by Koreans easily rammed and heated enemy vessels. As a result the Japanese lost supremacy at sea, and their land army was broken.
With death Of [khideesi] authority in Japan took its most powerful vassal Of [tokugava] [Ieyasu] (1542-1616), which knew how to inflict crushing defeat to his rivals in the battle with [Sekigakhara] (1600). Three years later he was officially acknowledged [segunom]. To [ieyasu] was guided by the country from its lock in To [ieyasu] was guided by the country from its lock in city [Edo] (Tokyo) since then beginnings to swiftly grow.
For strengthening of its political power new [segun] did not shun by the frank perfidy (especially, when it was required to remove the son Of [khideesi]), but to it could not be refused in the foresight.
Japan the epoch Of [tokugava]
[Ieyasu] undertook a whole series of simple and practical steps. In contrast to the predecessors, it prepared son for itself in successors so that would not prove to be that caught unaware by death of father. It appointed blood relatives and tested companions-in-arms the rulers of main central provinces, after leaving to other clans the distant corners of the country.
By the most important cities also guided the members of the clan Of [tokugava]. The heads of all feudal houses - how they not were loyal in the past - were obligated to carry out the part of the time into [Edo] under the vigilant care, and returning to their possessions, they left by the hostages of wives and children.
Furthermore, To [ieyasu] it attempted to avoid social and other changes, capable of blowing up the abutments of its authority. Something in this direction it had time to make other [Khideesi]. Thus, it dissolved the forces of peasant militia, although itself was modest origin and it knew how to be raised only because of the military talent. To [ieyasu] its successors vigilantly protected the barriers of class isolation and, in particular, tightly they shut for the commoners of the door of aristocratic elite and such privileged groups as Samurai. Special anxiety in the powers that be caused Christianity as the basis of foreign influence. Its adherents unceasingly disputed between themselves, and with respect to others they were very distant from that religious tolerance, which the Buddhists manifested to them. Of [khideesi] it had time to undertake a number of anti-Christian steps, but mass persecutions began only on the sunset of life To [ieyasu], [dostignuv] of their apogee in 1620- X yr. in the final analysis, they provoked the large uprising of Christians into [Simabara] in 1637-38 yr., which was heated in the blood, and Christianity itself is practically destroyed.
Expulsion of the Europeans
After taking a step still further in their radicalism, the rulers Of [tokugava] solved, that benefit from the trade with the old world - nothing in comparison with the presence in the country of trouble-maker- Europeans. This followed the expulsion first of Spaniards, and then Portugese. Dutchmen they only permitted to remain, even then only on [Desima] islet in the harbor of Nagasaki. And at the beginning XVIII v. at Japanese ports called not more than two ships in the year. In the completion of isolation in 1636. to the Japanese it was forbidden leave abroad.
From the point of view of the rulers Of [tokugava], this policy crowned by signal success. Clan remained in the authority up to until 1868 ; and many traditional values of the Japanese were preserved to the present. However, to completely stop the development of society so did not succeed. “Great peace” brought economic prosperity, and together with it change in the culture and the economy.