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Юбилеи ныи концерт хора турецкого в волгограде.

Ancient Babylon

In the course of its 2000-year history ancient city Babylon twice became the capital of the great empire, fairytale in its splendour. But still for Babylonians it was possible to reach significant scientific and intellectual progress.

In comparison with the first Mesopotamian cities in the sound-effects man and Accad, Babylon was young: the initial references about it relate to [KHKH]III to century B.C. political importance it acquired only after 1900 B.C., when [amority], union of semitic tribes took sound-effects man. After several years, Babylon it became the capital of the small, but constantly growing [Amoritskogo] reign, which with the administration of tsar [Khammurapi] (1792-50 B.C.) became the empire, which absorbed into itself entire South Mesopotamia, and also the part of Assyria on the north

About complex public device and wealth of the material culture of Babylon testify the records on the clay tables, found in the palace Of [khammurapi] in Marie. About this speak and most ancient of that preserving in the world the arches of laws, published by tsar [Khammurapi] and traced on [stelakh], arranged on the entire empire. Although the empire Of [khammurapi] was decomposed soon after its death, Babylon remained great city. By its wealth it was obliged to strategic arrangement on Euphrates river, which made it possible to control southern commercial ways through Mesopotamia. But already then Babylon acquired special status of the religious and educational center of entire region. After conquering Mesopotamia, Babylonians and their northern neighbors in Assyria inherited the culture of sound-effects man and Accad, was accepted [akkadskiy] language, after preserving the myths of sound-effects men and worship to their gods.

However, [Khammurapi] changed religious device, after proclaiming the patron of Babylon the god Of [marduka] by the head of [shumerskogo] pantheon, since, as it asserted, was such the will of [bogov].[Etot] status of Babylon it was strengthened up to THE XII centuries B.C., when with the administration of [kassitov], tribes of barbarians, its political power sharply of [oslabla].

With [Navukhodonosore] of the I ([ok]. 1124-03 B.C.) and its heirs Babylon again became the capital of independent state, but to the X century Assyrians above Mesopotamia B.C. affirmed their supremacy. During three centuries Assyrian tsars and their deputies guided by Babylon. Them constantly threw call the nomadic tribes of [arameev] and [khaldeev].

Assyrians related well to Babylon because of its position of the Holy City, and city usually supported them in the fight against the tribes. However, in 689 B.C. Assyrian tsar [Sinakherib], who did not desire to be reconciled with a constant instability in the region, destroyed Babylon. And although its successor tried to correct this report of sacrilege, from that time the Babylonians were inclined to the association with the enemies of Assyria. Finally, under [khaldeyskogo] tsar [Nabopalasar]'s leadership they entered the union with [midyanami], Iranian people, and at the end VII of century B.C. destroyed Assyria.

[Novovavilonskoe] reign

The son Of [nabopalasara], [Navukhodonosor] OF THE II (605-562 B.C.), was one of the most great conquerors in the history. The reign based by him stretched from [Suetsa] to Iran. It selected in Egypt Syria and Palestine, liquidated Hebrew reign to israelite and destroyed Jerusalem. Similar to its predecessor- Assyrians, [Navukhodonosor] OF THE II broke the spirit of hostile to it population, by force moving entire tribes. It is most widely known to us from the bible “babylonian captivity” of Jews.

With [Navukhodonosore] Babylon was located in the zenith of its glory. Archaeologists found the tracks of such construction as the terraces of suspended gardens and great temple tower, which gave beginning to biblical legend about the Tower of Babel. At that time Babylon was almost for sure very large city in the world, and by it still several centuries continued to be enraptured. Beside the fact that they took care [shumerskuyu] culture, Babylonians completed a number of important discoveries in the region of mathematics and astronomy, which were transmitted to Greeks, and through them - to modern world.

[Novovavilonskoe] reign suddenly ended its existence in 539. B.C., when city was conquered by Persians under Kir [Velikiy]'s leadership. According to legend, Kir it was possible to lead to the side of water of the Euphrates, which then flowed through the city, and the army of Persians entered into the city on the bed of river!

After a drop in Babylon Mesopotamia ceased to be the basis of the great reigns of the Near East. As the capital of the province of Persian empire Babylon it remained one of seven miracles of light, and Alexander [Makedonskiy] intended to make by his its capital; however, he died, so without having attained calmness in its empire. Its successors in the Near East, dynasty Of [selevkidov], elevated their capital on Tigris river, and in the course of time Babylon arrived into the complete decline.

Ancient Babylon became the capital of the small, but constantly growing [Amoritskogo] reign.


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