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Caves Of [ellora]

The caves Of [ellory] are cut on the basaltic hills in 26-30 km from [Aurangabada] in the state Of [makharashtra]. They are the [lushie] models both of the Indian and world cave- temple architecture, which include the facades of complex work and it is refined the decorated internal interiors.

Creation of caves is dated approximately from 6 through 9 [stoletya] of our era. Of 34 caves Of [ellory] of 12 caves in the south - Buddhist, 17 in the center are dedicated to [induistskim] gods, 5 caves to the north - [dzhaynskie]. Caves Of [ellora] Sculptures in the Buddhist caves Of [ellory] transfer the dignity, Grace and calmness, which were extended by Buddha.

Is most interesting among other temples Of [ellory] the temple Of [kaylasanatkha] (Kailasanatha) in cave 16, which is colossal monolith with the florid exterior view, wholly cut out from the entire hill. It beginnings is built in the period with 757 and 773 years, more than a century left to its building.

The temple Of [kaylasantkha] in [Ellore] was created via [vydalblivaniya] of approximately 400 000 tons of the cliff, which indicates of the outstanding fantasy of architects, which created the plan of this temple.

[Kaylasantkha] demonstrates the typical features Of [dravidskogo] style. Gates, lying before the entrance [Nandin], the outline of the temple, which is gradually constricted to the top, on the facade decorated by miniature [skupturami]. Before the temple large Hall with the columns. The gallery of columns, which goes the downward forward section of the cliff, forms the deep narrow passage, which surrounds temple. This passage has 2 tiers of Hall and covered galleries, similar on [dravidskimi] the temples of state To [tamilnadu]. The upper part of the temple (shikhara) demonstrates many sculptural means.
Temple occupies about 60.000 [kv].[futov] and its tower has into the height of approximately 90 feet.

The tower of temple has a similarity to the towers of the temples Of [mamalllapurama] (Mamallapuram) near [Chennai] in [Tamilnande], built approximately at the same time. The temple Of [kaylasanatkha] is similar by the style to the [arkhtitekturnyy] style of the dynasty Of [pallavov], which was been steady in [Mamallapurame] and received wide acceptance. It is considered that for creating the temple were specially found the architects from the southern kingdom Of [pallavov].

Amazes in [Kaylasanatkhe] the fact that in contrast to other temples, which were usually built from bottom to top, the sculptors of this temple cut out temple from above and from the lateral sides. This temple is one of the most complex works of architecture in the world. The caves of [dzhaynov] are located not far from the temple Of [kaylasa]. 32 caves of [ukrashchena] by the fine thread with the image of the colors of lotus and lions under the mango trees. One of the caves has the sculptural image of sitting [Makhavira]. Caves and temples Of [ellory] are introduced by UNESCO in the list of the monuments, which are been the world property (heritage) of human civilization.


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