Nature in Sochi and its environments is so excellent, that the health resort is frequently called Russian Riviera. Climate in this region on -Mediterranean the soft and that moderated, the mean temperature in the winter is held in limits of +8- +10 from lengthwise the coast, and in summer the post of thermometer rarely rise above mark +30 [S]. [Bogatyy]s the plant world and such favorable climatic conditions even more greatly increase the attractiveness of Sochi as health resort.
The quality of water and air in Sochi is very high. The purity of air in large Sochi region, and in particular on the red clearing, is acknowledged as standard. The absence of important industrial enterprises and a strict regulation of the activity of the existing objects of industry, building, transport infrastructure and agriculture make it possible to preserve the quality of air and water, together with other ecological indices, at a good, stably high level.
All requirements and standards are observed with the building of the units of transport and urban infrastructure. The works, connected with the preparation of Sochi for conducting of winter Olympic Games 2014, will be carried out in complete agreement with the standards ISO 14001, which will make it possible to reduce negative action on the environment to a minimum.
According to these standards, within the framework the project of Sochi 2014 it is planned to reduce the volume of the ejections of carbon by means of the renovation of the park of public transport and replacement of old machines to the new, with the low or zero level of ejections. All these measures enter into the federal special-purpose development program of health resort.
In the territory of large Sochi more than 200 thousand GA occupy forest. Actually in the last 30 years the area of the afforestations on the red clearing increased from 70% to 95%.
The plant world of Sochi is characterized by enormous variety. More than 3000 forms of plants grow in the territory of health resort. Forest occupies more than 4000 GA in the limits of large Sochi and is formed its kind green necklace. From [Loo] to Adler the city surround hundreds of acres of parks and gardens. The part of this territory state Caucasian biospheric preserve obtained status of the object of the world natural heritage of UNESCO.
In the plains the climate differs in terms of such softness, that on them even grows tea. Here are located very northern tea plantations in Europe. In depth from the coast, among the interminable kaleidoscope of colors grow palms, bananas and citrus trees. The beaches of Sochi are covered with sand with the magnetite starts and gray motley pebbles, whose dimensions can vary from the pebble to the large cobblestone. History does not remember the case so that the calm Black sea, along coast of which was stretched Sochi, completely would justify its name. Nevertheless, water actually changes color in the dependence on the weather: from the bluish-green and the silvery gray to the azure.
The Caucasian mountains, which conclude Sochi into the amphitheatre, they are one of the infrequent mountain regions in the world, which did not undergo the significant action of human activity. The extensive massifs of virgin scaffolding, which form several high-altitude belts, are unique. In Europe more there is nothing similar. Mountains, wide plains, mountain rivers and lakes, and also all 60 glaciers, these are the majestic decorations, which it is intended to use in their protoplastic form as environment for the most significant sport event in the world.