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Сочи 2014

Общая информация Олимпийские игры Зимние олимпийские игры Летние олимпийские игры История игр Олимпиада в Сочи 2014 Символ олимпиады План Сочи 10 интересных фактов Богатство Отдых на любой вкус Экология Цифры

Numbers (data on Sochi)


Sochi city is located along both sides of great silk way in 1500 km to the south of Moscow and in 1500 km to the east of Athens. Still not to time the winter Olympic Games were conducted in the hour of way from Mediterranean latitude. Sochi - this combination of green valleys and mountain-skiing it is trigger.

Weather conditions.

The average thickness of snow cover in the mountains is 2 meters. Here almost never it is fogs. Temperature in winter usually is held below zero mark, but strong cold it does not occur. In Sochi Mediterranean and Alpine climate uniquely is combined.

Mountain slopes.

Highest mountain in Europe - El'brus (5642 m). This massif of Caucasian mountains is higher than Mont Blanc (4810 m). The highest point in the district of the city of Sochi - 1900 m. here will pass competitions in ski sport in men.

Economy of Sochi.

The transformation of Sochi from the summer into the year-round health resort will ensure the diversification of the economy of entire region. A quantity of tourists will increase from 2 to 6 million people per year, which will make it possible to effectively use an infrastructure the year round. Thus far in winter to Sochi arrives to 90% less tourists than in summer.


In Sochi live about 400 000 people. Sochi enters into the composition of the Krasnodar edge, one of the large in Russia, whose population composes 5,1 millions.


Sochi - this 200 000 hectares of the earth with the scaffolding and the houses, and also 30 000 hectares of [dendrariev], botanical gardens and guarded natural preserves with the unique flora.

Safety and experience.

Each year to Sochi arrive more than hundred especially important personas. In the last 25 years in Russia it is past more than 100 international competitions, without which incidents in the region of safety. To Sochi yearly pass more than 400 measures, which gather on the whole more than 1,5 million people.

Compact plan.

The main thing at the Olympiad - this is convenience in the athletes. Compact and effective plan assumes the creation of two sets of at a distance 48 km from each other. “Coastal complex” will be only 6 km the Olympic village, in this case three sport objects of complex will be located in all in the kilometer from it. All objects in the mountains I will be built at a distance with 5 km from the second Olympic village.

“Mountain complex”.

In the plateau Rosa farmstead, which masters the company “[Interros]”, they will pass all mountain-skiing competitions. 15 hoists will be built on 227 hectares. Competitions in freestyle and [biatlonu] will pass at the ridge [Psekhako], the health resort of company “Gazprom”. 13 hoists will be placed on 52 hectares.


The roads, which lead to the red clearing, will be completely reconstructed. Besides this, will be laid the new high-speed routes, which lead to the sport objects. In all it will reconstructed and built be 580 km of road fabric.


The transport diagram of the claim “of Sochi -2014” assumes the building of the special Olympic routes with a total length of 140 km, and it is also expensive, that connect all Olympic objects. On them will be permitted the motion only for the transport of Olympic family. Two Olympic highway, which lead into the mountains, will have capacity into 14 000 automobiles in a 24 hour period. The light railroad with a length of 50 km will daily reach 15 000 passengers from the coast of sea into the mountains only in 35 minutes.


By 2014 the capacity of airport will be twice size. It will be able to assume 2500 people in hour.

Support of government.

The government of Russia accepted the concept of federal special-purpose program “the development the government of Russia accepted the concept of federal special-purpose program “the development Concept assumes that of 313,9 billion rubles, isolated into the implementation of program, about half (135 billion) the private investments will comprise.

Support of population.

More than 84% inhabitants of Sochi supported claim for conducting of the Olympic and [Paralimpiyskikh] Games of 2014.

Sport heritage.

In the last 25 years Russia conducted more than 100 international championships and competitions. Russian athletes conquered more than 270 medals in the Olympic winter Games, but in Russia they were conducted never.

Marketing possibilities.

It is expected that the income from conducting of the Olympic and [Paralimpiyskikh] Games of 2014 will be $485 million, in this case $300 million will enter from the local sponsors, $125 million I will be rescued from sale of tickets.

Possibilities for illuminating the games.

International television station and press center will be located in The [imeretinskoy] valley on the coast of Black sea. The total area of the building of main press center will comprise more than 70 000 sq. m. The completely equipped second press center it will attend “mountain complex” on the red clearing.

Arrangement of journalists.

10 km the main press center will be by 3* and 4* hotels to 6700 numbers. The development of Sochi assumes the building of new 3* (4500 numbers) and 4* (more than 1000 numbers) hotels in 3 km from the main press center. Also in accordance with the plan, of three hotels (to 1500 comfortable numbers), journalists can pass directly into the main press center on the special guarded passage. In 500 numbers of hotels in the second press center the journalists, who illuminate competitions in the red clearing, can be placed.

Transport for the journalists.

Main press center will be 5 km the airport and “the complex on coast”. The most distant sport object in the mountains will be separated from the main press center by 60 km, but it will be attended by the second press center. The buses will course from the press centers to the hotels for the journalists.

Existing hotels.

In the southern part of the city are located the hotels of categories 3*, 4*, 5* (on the whole 20 700 numbers), and also 2* (4600 numbers) hotel. Besides this, more than 20 500 numbers are counted in the particular hotels. In the red clearing at present has already been located in the presence of 2500 numbers.

Planned building of hotels.

Federal special-purpose program assumes building 3*, 4*, 5* hotels (more than 25 000 numbers, them them 3 000 numbers in the red clearing). These plans are guaranteed by the government of Russia.


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