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Сочи 2014

Общая информация Олимпийские игры Зимние олимпийские игры Летние олимпийские игры История игр Олимпиада в Сочи 2014 Символ олимпиады План Сочи 10 интересных фактов Богатство Отдых на любой вкус Экология Цифры

Wealth of Sochi

Sochi has the rich historical and cultural past. City was located on the route of wanderers and merchants, who travelled along the ancient silk way. Sochi the majestic apexes of the Caucasus surround. Caucasian ridge in a sense appears itself the separating feature between Europe and Asia and stretches on 1127 km between the Black and Caspian seas. The name of Sochi occurs from the antiquity. By Sochi was called in the times of the byzantine empire of the inhabitants of the coast of Black sea. By the date of the formation of Sochi as health resort it is customary to assume 1872, when distinguished Russian publisher constructed here the first summer villa. In the course of time the health resort began to attract more and it is more than guests, which was originally connected with the medicinal properties of local natural climatic conditions and mineral sources.

It is more than 250 sanatoriums, boarding houses and recreation centers they are located directly on coast or hide highly in the mountains. They propose the entire complexes of health-improvement procedures and assume both the Russians and the foreign guests. In the treatment the mineral waters of balneological and drinkable profile actively adapt.

The history of city create townspeople themselves and famous guests of the cities, which repeatedly arrive here in order to again and again experience the inexpressible sensations from the fact that practically instantaneous you fall from the winter into the summer, from the coast to the snow-covered slopes of mountains. For duration of thousands years of Sochi it was the center of interaction of peoples. Here there are the wanderers, and merchants, who transported goods along the ancient silk way, and even Russian tsars. Sochi grew many outstanding people. Among the known the star of large tennis Maria [sharapova] the champion of the Olympic Games Eugene Kafelnikov. The President RF Vladimir Putin also loves our of Sochi, with the pleasure he rolls herself on skis on the red clearing and constantly it assumes in its summer residence of the high ranking guests, among whom the Presidents and the prime ministers of foreign states.

Conducting in Sochi Olympic and [Paralimpiyskikh] Games 2014 will become, perhaps, the brightest moment in the centuries-old history of city and it will inspire yet not one generation of the inhabitants of Sochi and Russia as a whole.


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