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Сочи 2014

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10 interesting facts about Sochi

  • Sochi - largest health resort in Russia. It stretches on 147 km along the coast of Black sea. Officially “Sochi” - the name only of center section of the health resort, which also includes The [lazarevskie] regions, [Khosta] and Adler.

  • In Sochi live about 400 000 people. Sochi enters into the composition of the Krasnodar edge, one of the large in Russia, whose population composes 5,1 millions.

  • Sochi city was stretched at the foot of Caucasian mountains on the coast of Black sea. City is arranged on the geographic latitude of nice and Toronto.

  • Climate in Sochi is subtropical. The mean temperature in summer of +26?[S], in winter -3?[S].

  • The summer residence of the President of Russia is located in Sochi; therefore city unofficially is called “summer capital of Russia”.

  • Sochi - this 200 000 hectares of the earth with the scaffolding and the houses, and also 30 000 hectares of [dendrariev], botanical gardens and guarded natural preserves with the unique flora.

  • Very northern tea plantations in Europe are located next to Sochi.

  • The mountain part of Sochi (red clearing) only 40 km the coast of Black sea. Height of the mountains of Caucasian ridge around Sochi - 2000 meters. Highest mountain in Europe - El'brus (5642 m). This massif of Caucasian mountains is higher than Mont Blanc (4810 m).

  • Snow cover of the slopes of red clearing has unique quality because of the local microclimate. Mountains retain the moderate air masses and are natural obstacle for the sea wind, which ensures the ideal quality of snow.

  • Such world famous athletes, as Maria [sharapova] and Eugene Kafelnikov, began their sport career in the Sochi school of tennis.


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